According to Ayurveda, the climate and seasons play a part in determining how your dosha responds. Knowing how the seasons impact your dosha will allow you to adopt a diet or fast to help ease the effects and harmonize the natural rhythms in your body with the current season.

If you have a Pitta dosha, you will need to take extra precautions to keep cool. To relax and calm yourself, incorporate soothing scents and adequate rest. While pitta needs to be extra vigilant during the summer, all doshas should consume less food than usual. Consume more fruits and vegetables, and liberally sprinkle green coriander on your dishes. Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol consumption. Green leafy vegetables and fruits like melons will help to calm you down and keep you balanced. If you can get your hands on some fresh coconut water, it'll be a great way to stay hydrated and cool. To summarize the summer season, Pitta is aggravated, Kapha is depleted, and Vata accumulates.
Vata is aggravated, while pitta is reduced. Kapha maintains its neutrality. That means that things are starting to cool down in the autumn. Because Vata is a cool sign, it will be the most affected. There will be an increased sensitivity to cold, and the usual digestive issues that they are prone to may be exacerbated. Joints may ache, and rashes may appear. Vata people should avoid cold drinks and limit their physical activity. Finding time to relax and even starting a vegetarian diet would be a good idea. If you are unable to become a vegetarian, at the very least try to reduce your meat consumption. You should eat foods like beets, elderberries, blackberries, and spices such as ginger, cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon to aid in your digestion.
During the winter, Vata decreases, Kapha increases, and Pitta remains neutral. You've probably noticed that the doshas respond differently depending on the temperature. The hot Pittas enjoy being cool in the winter. If you are a Kapha, you should drink more hot beverages and eat hot spices. This is comparable to warming up your body. Light, warm foods will assist Kaphas in balancing their dosha.
Because Kapha is a water/earth element-based dosha, it becomes aggravated during the spring season. While Vata remains neutral, Pitta accumulates. Pitta will begin to accumulate as the temperature outside begins to rise and is in full force by summer. So, understanding how the weather affects the doshas will assist you in making dietary changes without pondering or overcomplicating things. It can be overwhelming, but if you follow this simple rule, you'll be fine. If you are a Kapha, you may want to fast in the spring to rid your body of the toxins that have accumulated over the winter. Avoid dairy and citrus fruits, herbal teas, on the other hand, should be consumed.
These are just a few of the ways that the seasons influence your doshas. It is up to you to check in with yourself and assess how you feel and make appropriate changes to respond to your dosha. Being proactive and attentive to your body's feedback is the best way to determine whether or not what you're doing is effective. Evaluate and proceed from there.